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  • Writer's pictureVivek mantri


Numerology itself is amazing tool, to help you understand various facets of your life . Every number governs you for entire life journey the moment one takes birth till he or she completes his or her journey. Today we will discuss about important aspects of Medical Numerology .

Our Numbers define their Roles based on the planets assigned to them and also the zodiacs on which one is born. Every planet also shows significant importance in terms of health aspects , which governs specific body parts , which are indirectly related to each other.

Above chart is very basic idea about how planets govern body parts , their interconnection is strongly dependent on Zodiacs, Name Number, First name number , Destiny Number , Running age , Universal year and lot more.

Even the health issues like Cancer can be decoded based on the planet and their combinations with above mentioned few parameters . Of course this methodology is not a substitute to medical science or an ongoing treatment, but can be largely used to identify the health challenges well in advance .

For Eg

In case of IRRFAN, even if he had done his name as IRBFAN, still it was coming to 19, which was anti with his own BN, also his BN was anti with his DN. He triggered this issue by using only his first name. His social media handle still has it. Once he changed his name to his first name, in 2012, but officially dropped his surname on social media in 2016, and started vibrating on 19/1, trigger factor which itself rules Vital Fluid, Iron in blood, going anti. Most of times lack of iron in blood can lead to formation of type 3, neuro endocrine tumour, which he had.

*This doesn't mean all FNN 19 can have cancer* Analyzing trigger factors is imp. By grace of god under divine guidance, Personally i had worked on one case giving FNN 19, to work on Childs vocal cord. Today that child is speaking .

So Numerology plays imp role in medical aspects, but its imp to understand trigger factors. Which also extend to the family members too.

ALSO ITS A MYTH THAT RR COMBINATION IN NAME GIVES CANCER, what matters is that's the total of final name and first name, whether its friendly or anti with zodiacs, RA, UY etc .

I wish everyone a blessed and healthy life , for your personal consultations you can always DM me or watsapp me on 7517471225


Vevek Mantri

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